"Access to safe water is a striking issue. There are still areas where people are deprived of safe water. Time has come where there is a need to bring about sustainable solutions to overcome inaccessibility to safe water. I congratulate TERI for taking up the initiative to sensitise youth to follow a sustainable route towards development," said K R Chari, Professor, (Operations Management) and Chief Proctor, BIMTECH.
"Understanding the role of gender in managing water resources can lead to a sustainable solution in water management. Equally important is to understand and question commodification of water resources -- who benefits from it and how?," said Ms Kopal Chaube, Academic Fellow, School of Human Ecology, Ambedkar University.
The seminar generated awareness on issues of safe water accessibility and sustainability and encouraged a systemic, multi-disciplinary approach to understand and solve water problems.
The seminar was organised by The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) in partnership with the Ministry of Sports Affairs, Government of India at the Greater NOIDA Institute of Technology.