"While its true that Hindus have become united after Narendra Modi occupied the PM's chair, the BJP got majority votes despite every Hindu family not having 10 children. The picture will be the same after five years as well," the Sena said in an edit in its mouthpiece 'Saamna'.
"Do we really need 10 children per-family-like slogans to make Modi PM again? Some BJP leaders and MPs are continuously making objectionable statements, which is hampering the functioning of the government," it said.
"While these leaders were making such statements, Shankaracharya Vasudevanand Saraswati's speech would mean a Brahmachari (saint) is worrying about the problems of the world. Even though his intentions may be right, it is necessary to keep calm for now. At least he (Shankaracharya) should not stand in the line of leaders who make outrageous comments," the Sena felt.
Two days ago, Vasudevanand Saraswati of Badrikashram made these controversial remarks at the Magh Mela in Allahabad.