They targeted five gay men on Thursday night, said Mamadou Faye, a police official in the city of Rufisque located just outside Senegal's capital, Dakar.
"The suspects were arrested Friday for destruction of property and causing injury," Faye said yesterday, declining to go into more detail because of the investigation. "They wanted to clean their neighbourhood, which they said was infested with homosexuals."
A Rufisque-based representative of the HIV/AIDS organisation Prudence, who insisted on anonymity out of fear for his safety, said the assailants used batons and stones in the attack. More than four people took part, the representative said.
On Friday, a judge sentenced two men to six months in jail for engaging in gay sex. Last November, police arrested five women and accused them of kissing in public at a restaurant in Dakar's Yoff district, though a judge later found there was insufficient evidence to convict them.
In Rufisque, public opinion appears to be on the side of the alleged assailants. More than 100 residents including local imams took part in a march Friday calling for their release, said Charles Niang, who helped organise it.