In the first incident, which took place around 9 AM, a 70-year-old man was allegedly shot at by robbers who made away with Rs 3 lakh cash he was carrying, said a police official.
The victim, Jagbir Singh, who works for a cooking gas supplier, was heading towards office in Gokulpuri with an associate when the robbers waylaid them. When the man tried to resist, they allegedly fired two rounds, of which one bullet hit the elderly man's leg, and fled with the bag containing the cash, said the official.
When he tried to resist, the robbers allegedly fired and the bullet hit his arm, following which Singh collapsed on the ground and the robbers fled with the case, the official said.
The victims in both the cases are admitted in a hospital and their conditions are reported to be stable. Cases have been registered and separate teams have been constituted to investigate both the cases, a senior official said.