"Picket constables V K Dubey and Devendra Singh have been suspended by Senior Superintendent of Police Mohit Agrawal as they have been found guilty of failure to take prompt action in the March 25 incident under Shahganj police station area," police spokesman Uma Shankar Shukla said.
The SSP took the action on the basis of the video clip, which was beamed on various news channels, wherein the two constables were shown standing passively while Pankaj Shukla, an advocate whose father is a DSP, exchanged blows with fellow lawyer Vivek Singh at a hotel where they had gone for dinner after having drinks.
Although neither of them received any bullet injuries, they were badly wounded in the fist fight and later admitted to a hospital where their condition is stated to be out of danger.
Meanwhile, a case has been registered and the SSP has directed the Deputy SP in-charge of Kotwali Circle to investigate the matter.