The BSE benchmark sensex resumed higher at 18,943.62 and shot up further to 19,035.60 before quoting at 19,000.10 at 1030hrs, showing a net gain of 122.14 points or 0.65 per cent from its last close.
The NSE 50-share Nifty also firmed up by 34.65 points or 0.61 per cent to 5,733.15 at 1030hrs.
Asian stocks climbed in the early trade amid speculation central bankers around the world will continue stimulus measures and as China maintained its economic-growth target for 2013.
Key benchmark indices in China, Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, Taiwan and South Korea rose by 0.32 per cent to 1.1 per cent.
US stocks rose yesterday as speculation the Federal Reserve will continue stimulus measures overshadowed concern over spending cuts and China's economy.