After a better start, the 30-share Sensex ended higher by 143.58 points, or 0.73 per cent to 20,082.62, a level last seen on January 30. The index had touched 20,000-mark in the last few sessions but today closed above the key level on sustained buying by FIIs.
The broad-based National Stock Exchange index Nifty rose by 44.60 points, or 0.74 per cent to calendar year's highest level of 6,094.75. Similarly, MCX-SX flagship index SX40 closed up by 80.66 points, or 0.68 per cent, at 11,874.70.
"Indian indices rose once again today on the back of gains in several of the index stocks across sectors. Auto stocks gained the most in today's trade, while banking stocks also were among major gainers. Supportive Asian and European cues helped," said Dipen Shah, Head of Private Client Group Research, Kotak Securities.
In 30-scrip Sensex, 18 stocks gained led by Maruti Suzuki, ITC Ltd., Bajaj Auto, Mahindra and Mahindra, Tata Motors, Hero MotoCorp, Hindalco and ICICI Bank.
FIIs have bought over USD 12 billion of Indian equities so far this year, a record for the period.