The 30-share Sensex fell 107.72 points, or 0.39 per cent, to 27,717.81. It had plunged 465 points in the previous session after India carried out "surgical strikes" on Wednesday night on terror launch pads across LoC.
Consumer durables, FMCG, metal and capital goods stocks were trading in the negative zone, down by up to 0.37 per cent.
The NSE Nifty offered a similar picture, which was down 36.05 points, or 0.41 per cent, at 8,555.20.
The selling came in the face of start of October futures and options series in the derivatives segment, they said.
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What unnerved the market further was muted Asian shares tracking overnight sell-off in New York after worries about the future of German banking giant Deutsche Bank lingered.
Hong Kong's Hang Seng was down 1.36 per cent while the Japan's Nikkei shed 1.55 per cent in early session today.
The US Dow Jones Industrial Average ended 1.07 per cent lower in yesterday's trade.
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