The S&P BSE benchmark Sensex slipped another 96.29 points, or 0.38 per cent, to end at 25,105.51 and the NSE 50-share Nifty moved down by 29.25 points, or 0.39 per cent, to finish at 7,511.45, its lowest close since June 5.
Capital outflows also affected the market sentiment. Foreign Portfolio Investors (FPIs) sold shares worth a net Rs 420.51 crore yesterday, as per provisional data.
Besides, tepid monsoon forecast and slowdown in buying by foreign funds, who have been major buyers on the domestic bourses, have dampened sentiments, brokers said.
Automakers like M&M and Hero MotoCorp saw selling on fears that a weak Monsoon will hit vehicle sales.
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The southwest monsoon has further advanced into remaining part of Karnataka and Telangana, some parts of Madhya Maharashtra, Vidarbha and east Madhya Pradesh and most parts of Marathawada.
"Markets were lackluster over the week. Sharp rise in crude prices because of Iraq issue dampened sentiments ....Going ahead, we see the monsoon progress and the budget to be the two most important triggers for the markets," said Dipen Shah, Head- Private Client Group Research, Kotak Securities.