The Sensex tumbled 317.39 points, or 1.62 per cent, to 19,325.36, recording its biggest single day loss since May last year. The index had gained 174.60 in last three sessions.
Similarly, the broad-based National Stock Exchange index Nifty fell below 5,900 level by losing 90.80 points, or 1.53 per cent to 5,852.25, after touching the day's low of 5,844.40.
Brokers said heavy capital outflow before the budget on fears of imposition of taxes to narrow budget deficit and a weak global trend on renewed concerns that US Federal Reserve's policy-tightening moves to reduce liquidity influenced the market sentiment.
The minutes of the last Fed meeting have raised concerns that, the Fed may withdraw the monetary stimulus if there is some improvement in the economic data. This has raised concerns about fund flows across asset classes, including emerging markets, he added.
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The US Dow Jones index closed 0.8 per cent down last night while losses at Nasdaq were sharper at 1.55 per cent as foreign investors seen profit booking and taking out money from equities and commodities.
The Sensex heavy Reliance Industries dropped 1.78 per cent to Rs 859.20, after a 3.1 per cent surge yesterday. The second-heavy Infosys lost 0.48 per cent to Rs 2,806.75.
Among others, ICICI Bank, Hindalco, Jindal Steel, Larsen and Toubro, Bharti Airtel, BHEL, HDFC Bank, Mahindra and Mahindra, Maruti Suzuki, Tata Motors, State Bank of India and Sterlite Industries fell sharply.