In highly volatile trade, the Sensex opened higher but went into red after the RBI policy was announced. However, after touching the day's low of 25,562.36, the bluechip index bounced back to end the day at 25,908.01, clocking a rise of 184.85 points, or 0.72 per cent.
The gauge had surged 242.32 points yesterday.
On similar lines, the 50-share NSE index Nifty rose 62.90 points, or 0.82 per cent, to 7,746.55 after shuttling between 7,752.45 and 7,638.05 intra-day.
Also, it has reduced the ceiling of banks' total holdings of SLR securities under the held to maturity (HTM) to 24 per cent from 24.5 per cent of net demand and time liabilities.
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"Dr. Rajan explained in the media briefing they are doing these as medium term measure to enable banks to be able to provide credit when the economy turns," said Murthy Nagarajan, Head - Fixed Income, Quantum AMC.
Rise in auto stocks helped the Sensex and the Nifty rebound with M&M, Bajaj Auto, Maruti Suzuki and Tata Motors, lifting the BSE Auto index over 2.11 per cent.
Banking index ended 0.28 per cent after earlier falling post RBI policy announcement.
In other sectoral indices, BSE Realty index rose 2.65 per cent, Metal index gained 1.33 per cent, Consumer Durables index 0.99 per cent and Healthcare Index 0.58 per cent.
In the 30-share Sensex constituents, 20 ended higher, 10 other like ICICI Bank, L&T, Hero MotoCorp finishing lower.