Akash Singh, a member of Indian men's team, and Kh Bijeta, Kh Omita and O Chaoba of women's team, were yesterday expelled for 10 years by All Manipur Sepaktakraw Association (AMSTA) for taking part in the national camp without informing it.
STFI Secretary Yogender Singh Dahiya told PTI that action will be taken against the Manipur unit for trying to stop players who wanted to represent the country and then expelling them.
"We are having our executive committee meeting on August 31 and we will take action for sure. We cannot remain silent if a player has been expelled for doing national duty. It's is unacceptable," he added.
Another STFI official said that the executive committee may even recommend to suspend AMSTA after having an inquiry into the whole issue.
"It's upto the executive committee to decide what to do. But suspension (of AMSTA) cannot be ruled out," the official said on condition of anonymity.