The decision to constitute the cell was taken after DGP B S Siddhu found the investigation into the murder cases going at a slow pace during a review of law and order in Dehradun, Haridwar, Udhamsingh Nagar and Nainital districts yesterday, an official release said here today.
Siddhu said a separate cell dedicated to investigation of murder cases and arrest of culprits was necessary as pre-occupation of police personnel with routine law and order duties often delays probe.
These teams will be informed if a murder is committed in a particular police station area. They will then visit the scene armed with proper equipment and take up investigation of the case in a legal and scientific manner, it said.
The SHO of the concerned police station will offer necessary coordination and help to the team to proceed with investigation of the case.
To ensure qualitative improvement in the investigation of murder cases, the DGP has directed that personnel deployed in the cell will not be entrusted with routine law and order duties.