The company, led by NRI billionaire Anil Agarwal, had reported Rs 1,780 crore "attributable profit after tax before exceptional item" during the October-December quarter of the last fiscal.
The company, however, said as Sesa Sterlite merger and the Vedanta Group consolidation was completed in August, 2013, the third quarter performance was compared with the adjusted proforma numbers of respective periods, which are more representative of the performance during the period.
"We have delivered sustained performance in the third quarter despite the challenging markets. Strong operating performance of aluminium and zinc businesses led to reduction in gross debt by Rs 400 crore," said company CEO Tom Albanese.
Hinting that the company might prune its proposed capital expenditure plan, he said, "We are focused on disciplined capital allocation, coupled with deferred and phased development spending in zinc, oil and gas and other businesses which will help optimise our assets and drive strong cash flow in the near future."