The Panvel Police in Navi Mumbaihave arrested seven persons for allegedly siphoning off Rs 4.10 crore from a leading private sector bank, an official said on Thursday.The accused have been identified as Ramkisan Pandey (51), Amitabh Mitra (61), lawyer Arafat Shaikh (33), builder Vinod Bhosale (44), sales manager of the bank Mukesh Gupta (45), along with Javed Qureshi (55) and Srizil Kurambil (39), the official said."The offence was registered with the Panvel police station last week. The accused had siphoned off Rs 4.10 crore from a leading private sector bank and transferred the money to some other bank. The police have so far recovered Rs 4.06 crore from the accused," he said.During the investigations, the police found that fake letterheads and rubber stamps of a herbal products company had been used by the accused to siphon off the money from the bank, the official added.The investigation revealed that the arrested accused were habitual offenders and were involved in similar crimes earlier, the official said.