Seven new positive cases ofcoronavirus have been confirmed in Karnataka, taking the total number of affected in the state to 214, the Health department said on Saturday."Seven new positive cases have been reported from last evening to this noon...Till date 214 COVID-19 positive cases have been confirmed. This includes 6 deaths and 37 discharges," the department said in its mid-day situation report.All seven are contacts of patients who have already tested positive.Among seven, five are from Mysuru (contacts of a pharmaceutical company worker), one each from Bengaluru city and Bidar.From across the state most number of infections have been reported in Bengaluru with 72 cases, followed by Mysuru 47 and Dakshina Kannada (12).Those discharged include 19 patients from Bengaluru, five from Dakshina Kannada, three from Davangere, two each from Uttara Kannada, Chikkaballapura, Mysuru and Kalaburagi, and one each from Dharwad and Kodagu.Among those dead are two from Kalaburagi and one each from Bengaluru, Bagalkote, Gadag and Tumakuru.