In his five-page letter to Personnel Department Secretary S K Sarkar, Sinha said Section 36 of the 'The Lokpal and Lokayukta Act, 2013' states that a Lokpal officer, making a preliminary probe, can approach the local court and secure an order for making any evidence available if it is in "different contracting state".
"...The Special Court, on being satisfied that such evidence is required in connection with the preliminary inquiry or investigation into an offence or proceeding under this Act, may issue a letter of request to a court or an authority in the contracting state competent to deal with such request," the Act said.
Sinha also pointed out some anomalies in the amended CVC Act, flagging the amended Section 8 whereby the agency will not be able to file charge sheets against group C and D officials of the Centre without consulting the Central Vigilance Commission.
The CBI Director said bestowing such powers on a non-police officer of forming an opinion on the material collected during investigations by a police officer, about prosecution or otherwise, is completely contrary to the provisions of the CrPC as well as the settled position of law as decided by the Supreme Court in catena of judgements.