"Several places in Tamil Nadu have been identified as sensitive areas. These include Ramanathapuram, Coimbatore, Chennai, Kanyakumari, Tirunelveli, Villupuram and Tuticorin. Annual security checks are being held in these places...The law and order situation in the state is good," RAF Commandant Kurien and Assistant Commandant Raja said.
They said there was no perceived movement of ISIS members in Tamil Nadu but did not elaborate.
The officers are heading a 50 member RAF team with modern equipment which arrived here from Coimbatore for a security review of various sensitive places in the district.
On the terror threat to the famous Rameswaram temple, they said the RAF would deploy its personnel permanently in the shrine if the Tamil Nadu government puts forward a request.
Earlier in the day, in a major anti-terror swoop ahead of Republic Day, NIA and other security agencies arrested or detained 14 youths across five states after they allegedly formed a module on the pattern of ISIS to carry out strikes at vital installations.