He also held a road show from Kalpana square to Basantpur and said the Modi government had provided nearly Rs 4 lakh crore to the state in the last three years but it continues to lag behind in development due to the state government's poor execution of schemes.
"Due to the state government's failure Odisha is still far behind in development. There will be no development of the state until the BJP comes to power here.
In Basantpur, Shah did a door-to-door campaign as part of his efforts to strengthen the party at the booth level and visited homes of people from different strata of society, a party statement said.
He said he was in the state like a 'vistarak' (one who expands the party) like four lakh workers who are involved in strengthening the party in the birth centenary year of its ideologue Deendayal Upadhayaya.
Odisha is the 14th state the BJP chief has toured as part of a 115-day programme across the country to strengthen the organisation.
Shah will visit his home state Gujarat during July 10-12.