Jammu and Kashmir People's Movement (JKPM) chief Shah Faesal Thursday condoled the death of a youth, who was injured during protests at Pattan area against the rape of a three-year-old girl, and appealed to the people of the state to maintain peace and tranquillity.
The former IAS officer, while conveying his heartfelt condolences to the family of Arshad Hussain Dar, said the protests for getting justice for the rape victim could have been better handled and this loss of precious life and public property was avoidable.
Dar succumbed to injuries at a hospital in Srinagar late Wednesday night, the officials said.
Over 45 security personnel, including an officer, and seven civilians were injured in the clashes during protests at Pattan on Srinagar-Baramulla highway on Monday, a police official had said.
Youths had pelted stones at security forces at several locations in Baramulla district in north Kashmir during the protest, he said.