The party organised by Audi Delhi Central for the "Chennai Express" star cast including SRK, Deepika Padukone and director Rohit Shetty saw Rashi Todd (Managing Director Audi - Delhi Central & Gurgaon), Mikey Todd, Kalyani Chawla Saha, Ayaan Ali Khan, Amaan Ali Khan, Rina Dhaka, Abraham & Rakesh Thakore among many.
The star-studded red carpet event began only when King Khan made his entry at about midnight and though people were growing impatient waiting for the actor, everyone went berserk as he made his way to the club.
"I am exhausted as I have been out the whole day. But I am really excited about the movie and can't wait to see how the audience reacts to it," he said.
The 47-year-old has been all over Delhi promoting his movie. He attended an event at a Gurgaon mall and club on Sunday and later that evening was at the Manish Malhotra fashion show.
His co-star Deepika has been by his side through out the promoting tour. The actress looked refreshing in her knee length floral dress at the Brunch Night.