Bhumi made her Bollywood debut earlier this year with the Yash Raj film opposite actor Ayushmann Khurrana. The former casting director gained an extra 15 kilos for her role in the movie.
The actress said though it is difficult losing weight, she is loving the fact that people are complimenting her.
"I am losing weight for my next film. I can't divulge its details right now. But it is very different from what I did in 'Dum Laga Ke Haisha'.
She was in the capital to attend Varun's show at the ongoing Amazon India Couture Week. Describing herself as a "fashion conscious" person, Bhumi said she keeps a tab on the current style trends.
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"I am very fashion conscious. I am always looking at the trends because I want to be in sync with them. I have my team, which helps me in choosing clothes."
The young star, who has been hailed as the find of 2015, said she feels she has a lot to prove in her second film.
"I just feel gratitude when people praise me for 'Dum Laga Ke Haisha'. Acting for me is more than just good looks and is scared.
"So, when people appreciate and acknowledge it, I feel amazing. I am not under pressure about people's expectations from me. I rather take it as a challenge that I will prove my versatility."
"I have a long wish list of directors. I want to work with Vishal Bhardwaj and Imtiaz Ali because they are the directors whose cinema I love watching.