The manager of a bank, who hadprovided to the CBI the credit card statement of Indrani Mukerjea, the prime accused in the Sheena Bora murder case, on Thursday deposed before a special CBI court here.The bank manager told the special court judge J C Jagdale that he had provided Mukerjea's credit card statement as asked by the central investigating agecy.The statement showed a June 17, 2012 entry, wherein an amount of Rs 110.72 were debited to Google Account Help.It is the CBI's case that the amount was paid by Mukerjea to retrieve the password of Sheena Bora's e-mail account after her death.The bank manager's two panch witnesses also deposed before the court on Thursday.Sheena Bora (24) was allegedly killed on April 24, 2012. The crime came to light after Mukerjea's driver Shyamvar Rai, arrested in another case in August 2015, spilled the beans.Mukerjea, her former husband Sanjeev Khanna, and Rai were arrested for alleged murder. Subsequently her estranged husband and media baron Peter Mukerjea was arrested for allegedly being part of the conspiracy.According to the CBI, financial dispute was one of the main reason behind the alleged murder.