The Delhi Chief Minister appealed to the people to opt between a "dark city" and an "illuminated city" and accused the opposition parties of making false promises".
"They (opposition parties) are keen to capture power by fuelling hopes which are going to be dashed in near future. They can bring down the tariff rates by only effecting power cuts of 10 hours or more duration. It is for the public to opt between a dark city and an illuminated city," Dikshit said.
"The subsidy given by the government has been increased from Re 1 to Rs 1.20 upto 200 unit consumption and between 201 to 400 units the tariff has been brought down from Rs 5.80 to Rs 5 per unit," she said.
Diskshit said the Food Security Programme is going to help around 75 lakh persons in Delhi.
Inaugurating the work for providing sewerage system in more than 12 unauthorized colonies under Kondli assembly segment, the Chief Minister said that with the commissioning of the sewerage system, around 1.60 lakh persons would benefit.