The 34-year-old "Cilla" actress, who split from "Hollyoaks" actor Greg Wood earlier this year, has refused to confirm whether or not she's currently single but confessed her busy work schedule often gets in the way of her relationships, reported Female First.
"You don't really get a chance to meet people. I know I'm always working, I'm a workaholic and I live on my own with my three dogs. It sounds really sad and Bridget Jonesy doesn't it? But I just meet people on jobs. (The dogs) are my babies, I don't need a man with them," she said.
Speaking on an episode of "The Jonathan Ross Show", she said, "If it's someone who also isn't in the business in that way, it might be strange for them I guess. I would totally date, I'm not like that, but whether it would be weird for anyone else, I don't know."
She also admitted she would love to give online dating app Tinder a try.