Chief spokesperson of Delhi BJP Sanjay Kaul today said Kejriwal's reported statements at a rally in Delhi suggesting that he was in possession of a letter signed by Narendra Modi seeking a gas price hike was a "blatant lie".
"It is unbecoming of someone who has held office to indulge in this level of falsehood and I challenge Kejriwal to produce such a letter or apologise publicly for saying this," Kaul said, adding that his failure to do so would only confirm Kejriwal's reputation as a pathological liar.
Kaul further clarified that Gujarat Chief minister and BJP's Prime Ministerial candidate Narendra Modi has written no such letter to the Government of India in this regard.
Reacting to a press note circulated by AAP earlier, Kaul said that Government of Gujarat has never asked for a price of USD 16 per MMBTU of domestic natural gas as is being alleged.
Pointing out that the matter of gas pricing was already pending in the Supreme Court and the matter was under the consideration of the Parliament Standing Committee, Kaul underlined that Kejriwal's exhortations were only meant to excite the public and not to work for the benefit of consumers.