Company managing director Harsh Soni told reporters at the launch at Baroda Productivity Road area with the launch of new showroom, the city will become a preferred jewellery shopping destination like Dubai and will be established as a prominent gold and jewellery hub.
He claimed that the showroom spread across 70,000 sq feet is the largest jewellery showroom in Asia.
Soni said a large number of their customers are NRIs who live in USA, UK, Canada, Dubai and visit their Alkapuri showroom to purchase jewellery worth Rs 200 crore annually. And the new showroom will facilitate the customers to make purchases due to their low labour charges and a wide range of gold and diamond jewellery.
Soni said the company's revenue have increased at a strong CAGR of 53 per cent over the last five years and has an annual turnover of Rs 600 crore.
He said the company also plans to open new showrooms in Surat, Rajkot and Ahmedabad.