Grand Mufti Mohammad Bashiruddin has called for a 2-day shutdown in the Valley beginning tomorrow and a Friday march to Khanyar where the shrine was located.
"The president of the state Muslim Personal Law Board, Grand Mufti Mohammad Bashiruddin, and other ulemas (clerics) have taken a serious notice that what has happened is a result of an extremely worst conspiracy," Nasir-ul-Islam, Deputy to Bashiruddin, told reporters here.
Islam accused the government of distorting the evidence and said this was a serious issue.
He asked the government to come out with a statement identifying the culprits.
"The distortion of evidence has taken place (by washing the gutted shrine compound and clearance of debris overnight), it is a very serious issue for us.
"The Chief Minister has said they will reconstruct the shrine, we do not want any support from the Chief Minister. We have resources to build greater place than this one," Islam said. MORE