IPL chairman Rajeev Shukla on Monday strongly condemned the attack on the BCCI's headquarters at the Wankhede Stadium in Mumbai by Shiv Sena workers protesting against the Board president Shashank Manohar's scheduled meeting with Pakistan Cricket Board chief Shahryar Khan.
"Strongly condemns the attack on BCCI Office by Shiv Sena," Shukla, a top BCCI functionary, wrote on his twitter handle.
"BCCI is a responsible body and will not do anything against national interest. Cricketing decisions should be left to BCCI."
"Cricket is a gentleman's game and the spirit of the game expects same generosity and tolerance from those who love the game," he further tweeted.
Shiv Sena workers were protesting against BCCI chief Manohar's meeting with PCB chairman Shahryar, to discuss the fate of bilateral series slated for December.
The Sena workers barged into the BCCI office holding anti-Pakistan placards and shouted slogans against Shahryar Khan, who is in Mumbai to meet the newly elected BCCI president.
The protesters "gheraoed" BCCI chief Manohar's desk and said they will not allow any cricket ties with Pakistan.
The right-wing party has been protesting anything that has to do with Pakistan, and the proposed series is the latest in the series.
"Strongly condemns the attack on BCCI Office by Shiv Sena," Shukla, a top BCCI functionary, wrote on his twitter handle.
Shiv Sena workers were protesting against BCCI chief Manohar's meeting with PCB chairman Shahryar, to discuss the fate of bilateral series slated for December.
The Sena workers barged into the BCCI office holding anti-Pakistan placards and shouted slogans against Shahryar Khan, who is in Mumbai to meet the newly elected BCCI president.
The protesters "gheraoed" BCCI chief Manohar's desk and said they will not allow any cricket ties with Pakistan.
The right-wing party has been protesting anything that has to do with Pakistan, and the proposed series is the latest in the series.