"SICCI welcomes the long-term orientation of the Minister to achieve sustainable and rapid growth of the Indian railways through strategic transformation of rail infrastructure," SICCI President Jawahar Vadivelu said.
Except in the matter of passenger fares and freight rates, the intentions of the Minister are "laudable", with new ideas to make railways modern, safe and business oriented institution", he said.
The focus is now on the strategic transformation of Railways, he said, adding care should be taken to ensure the effective implementation of the plans with a clear blueprint.
The focus on cleanliness, safety and passenger amenities are "welcome move" she said and added "cross subsidising the passenger fares by freight cost continues to be a matter of concern".
While the budget is a "passenger friendly" budget, the cost push effect of freight increase in basic commodities like iron and steel, cement and coal could have an "inflationary effect," she said.