The five-day film festival, being organised by Kerala Region of the Federation of Film Societies of India in association with Kochi Biennale Foundation, will take place at Town Hall, Ernakulam, organisers said here today.
"This edition will commemorate the 50 years of film society movement in the state. The movies screened in this edition will focus on cinema experimentation (Cinema Experimenta) and Cinema of Resistance.
"The festival will also have discussion forums focusing on political interference in the functioning of film societies and institutes," said renowned filmmaker and festival's artistic director C S Venkiteswaran.
The best short fiction and documentary movies screened under competition section will be awarded with John Abraham National Awards.
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It was instituted in 1999 by the Kerala Region of the Federation of Film Societies of India in memory of renowned Malayali filmmaker John Abraham.
The competition was extended to the national level from 2005 and the festival was renamed as SiGNS with focus on documentary and short films in video format.
An amount of Rs 25,000 will be awarded for the best movie under the categories of Cinema of Resistance and Cinema Experimenta respectively.