Melissa McCarthy, Leslie Jones, Kristen Wiig and Kate McKinnon will play the four paranormal experts, which was originally played by Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Harold Ramis and Ernie Hudson.
"To be able to hand Ghostbusters over to these incredibly talented women felt perfect, and it was time," said Weaver, 66, in Harper's Bazaar's August issue.
"There is such wonderful chemistry between the four of them. That does remind me of the boys because they were old friends and they had worked together a lot too. That kind of comedic pairing is just gold. You just turn the camera on and let them go at it."
"I think the fans are going to be pleased by how we pop up. It's just a very sweet movie but also very funny and kind of crazy. I think that's a big part of what films can do - take us to another world."
Murray had also praised the all female version of the movie by Paul Feig.