Patrol Deputy Sandeep Singh Dhaliwal will be allowed to wear the turban and beard while patrolling the streets of Harris County in order to bolster cultural diversity.
He will be the first deputy in the US state of Texas to serve with Sikh articles of faith, including the turban and beard while on the job. An official announcement in this regard will be made tomorrow.
Dhaliwal, in his late 30s, has been with the sheriff's office for six years.
"By making these religious accommodations we are joining the US military and other law enforcement agencies across the country with observant Sikh-Americans among their ranks. Harris County is no different. We are one of the most culturally rich and diverse communities in America," Sheriff Garcia said in a statement yesterday.
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Meanwhile, a prominent member of the Sikh community, Jasjit Singh, executive director of the Sikh American Legal Defense and Education Fund, commended Harris County Sheriff's Office' decision.
Since 9/11, misperceptions about Sikhs' religiously mandated turbans and beards have led to an increase in discrimination against the community.
Policy changes like that at the HCSO and other law enforcement agencies across the country aim to combat this stigma while also giving qualified men and women a chance to serve the community.