A third installment of the paranormal investigation franchise is being developed, and the British actor is keen for a part, but only as long as original FBI agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully, played by David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson respectively, are included, reported Daily Star.
"I was a big fan of 'The X Files' and I've become friends with Gillian since. I've always loved that show so it's definitely something I'd consider," Pegg said.
"It's a great story and it would be nice to see it continue but it has to be with David Duchovny and with Gillian," he added.
"Gillian worked with Simon on a movie 'How To Lose Friends And Alienate People' and told me that he was a big fan. We actually thought about putting him in the second movie, but there was no part for him. I certainly would think about him if we were to go forward in any way," Carter said.