The 18-year-old from Hyderabad had won the bronze medal at the World Championship to reach the number 10 spot last month, but now she has slipped to the 12th place with 51472 points.
Men's singles players Parupalli Kashyap and RMV Gurusaidutt also lost one and three places, respectively to slump to 14th and 23rd spot.
Among others, Ajay Jayaram lost seven places to be placed at 30th, while Anand Pawar, B Sai Praneeth and K Srikanth were steady at 37, 38 and 39th spots, respectively. Sourabh Verma lost 10 places to slip to 46th position.
Indian shuttlers had skipped Chinese Taipei Open and the China Masters after the Indian Badminton League (IBL).