The ivory was seized from illegal shipments dating back to January 2014, said the Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority (AVA) which is also in-charged of such matters.
It was crushed by an industrial rock crusher and was incinerated at an eco-waste plant, with the ashes to be used as landfill at an offshore island, said the AVA.
The AVA crushed 7.9 tonnes of elephant ivory - estimated to be worth about Singapore Dollars 13 million - seized from illegal shipments dating back to January 2014.
"Destruction of confiscated elephant ivory will not in itself put an end to the illegal trade in elephant ivory. However, when coupled with enhanced enforcement and demand reduction efforts, it sends a very powerful message that Singapore does not and will not tolerate this illegal trade, and illegal traders now face significant risks along the entire illegal supply chain -- in source, transit and destination States," said Scanlon.
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"The public destruction of ivory sends a strong message that Singapore condemns illegal wildlife trade. By crushing the ivory, we ensure that it does not re-enter the ivory market. Tackling this illicit trade requires close international cooperation, and also the assistance of the public and non-governmental organisations," said Lee.
"We will continue our enforcement efforts, to prevent Singapore from being used as a transit point," he said.
The largest and most valuable illegal shipment of ivory was seized here in May 2015. Authorities here intercepted and seized 1,783 elephant tusks weighing about 4.6 tonnes and worth about Singapore Dollars 8 million million.