Dimapur Additional Superintendent of Police Kakheto said prohibitory orders under Section 144 Cr PC was in force in the town where the situation was limping back to normalcy with markets opening after three days of the March 5 incident.
He said 43 people have been arrested and "police are on the job to nab all those who were involved."
The lynching incident was raised in Lok Sabha with Congress MPs from Assam saying that the incident was a "failure" of the Nagaland government.
Raising the issue during Zero Hour, Gaurav Gogoi (Cong) slammed the Nagaland government for not making a statement on whether the rape accused Syed Sarif Khan was guilty of the crime and central forces deployed at the jail, where he was lodged, failed to protect him.
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Stating that Khan was an Indian national and hailed from a family of army men and was not a Bangladeshi as was claimed, he said Muslims in the region were being considered as Bangladeshis.
Forensic evidences collected from the alleged rape victim and Khan have been sent to the Central Forensic Science Laboratory in Guwahati for obtaining expert opinion, the report said.