Nitin Balu Sathye was arrested on May 27 by the Kotwali police from Jawale village in Parner tehsil, about 40 kms from here, during investigation of a theft, CID's Deputy Superintendent of Police Suhas Jagtap told PTI here.
The police had allegedly kept the man naked in custody and without following proper legal procedure, he said.
The man tried to run away in a naked state from the police station, but was caught by the cops who brought him back and allegedly beat him up badly in custody, he said.
The case was later transferred to the CID which, after a probe, booked the six policemen -- Inspector Dnyaneshwar Dhokale, Sub-inspector Vishwanath Nimase, and constables Sanjay Dalimbkar, Hemant Khandagale, Sadik J Shaikh and Sandip M Shinde -- yesterday under relevant sections of IPC, including murder, and also under the SC/ST Act, Jagtap said.
Following the incident, all the six policemen were suspended last month.
Meanwhile, Residential Deputy Collector Rajendra Patil said that Rs one lakh assistance from the Chief Minister's fund will soon be handed over to the deceased's family.