On specific input, a Crime Branch team arrested the six accused Vipin Kakkar (29), Sunil Kumar (34), Kuldeep (23), Mahesh Kumar(33), Sandeep Jhangra (28), and Priyabrat Rathi (31) and recovered two licensed revolvers, Rs 3.4 lakh and a car from them, said Joint Commissioner of Police (Crime) Ravindra Yadav.
The gang conducted fake raid, posing as Income Tax and Sales Tax officers while the two ex-servicemen, Mahesh and Sunil, used their licenced revolvers posing as plain-clothed cops, he said.
The victim was approached by five persons at his godown in Rohini who claimed to be Salex Tax officers, on September 2.
They demanded papers for inspection and threatened to implicate him under false charges. Later, one of them demanded Rs 10 lakh to settle the matter. They finally managed to extort Rs 5 lakh from him and next day asked for Rs 3 lakh more following which the victim lodged complaint with police.
Involvement of the gang in other such cases of extortion can not be ruled out, the officer said, adding that further investigation was on.