The company's profit guidance, which is expected to be at Rs 125 crore in FY 2014-15, comes close on the heels of its recent announcement that there could be a positive surprise in its guided net profit of Rs 55-60 crore for FY'14, the company said in a statement.
SKS said it needs to increase its non-Andhra Pradesh portfolio outstanding from Rs 2,364 crore as of December 2013 to Rs 3,800-4,000 crore by the end of FY'15.
The company's cash and bank balances stood at Rs 309 crore as of December 31, the statement added.
As a part of its restructuring exercise, the company plans to move the two present C-level officials into strategic, mentoring roles but with complete accountability for business targets and new initiatives.
The two officials will spearhead new initiatives like cross sale, capital raise, creation of subsidiaries and building partnerships, SKS said.
P H Ravikumar, presently non-executive chairman - interim, is redesignated as non-executive chairman.