The scrip climbed 7.48 per cent to settle at Rs 534.60 on BSE. Intra-day, the scrip jumped 8.99 per cent to Rs 542.15.
At NSE, shares of the company rose by 7.49 per cent to end at Rs 535.05.
The company added Rs 491.97 crore to its market valuation, which stood at Rs 6,795.97 crore at close of trade.
Volumewise, 6.04 lakh shares of the company changed hands at BSE and over 89 lakh shares were traded at NSE during the day.
The microfinance company had a net profit of Rs 41 crore in the similar quarter of the previous fiscal.
Total income increased to Rs 343.4 crore during the quarter compared with Rs 206.8 crore in the same period a year ago, SKS Microfinance had said in a statement.