Cribra Orbitalia (CO) is a condition in which the bone inside the eye sockets becomes porous, researchers from North Carolina State University (NC State) in the US and the University of the Witwatersrand in South Africa said.
It is not known to cause any adverse health effects, but is generally regarded as being caused by iron deficiency anemia, they said.
The condition has traditionally been used by anthropologists to assess diet and health in prehistoric populations. For example, the presence of CO could tell researchers that a population was not getting a sufficiently varied diet.
"We wanted to know if CO was still extant and, if so, how common it is in modern populations, relative to earlier eras," said Ross.
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For the study, researchers looked at modern, historic and prehistoric human remains from South Africa, North Carolina and the Western Hemisphere Database.
They evaluated data on 844 skulls - 245 prehistoric, 381 historic (as recent as the early 20th century) and 218 modern.
Researchers found that CO was not only present in modern populations, but that it was not even uncommon.
"We thought we might see some CO, but not to the extent that we did. The high rates may stem from the fact that these remains were part of forensic cases - there were often related to cases of homicide or neglect," said Ross.
"These cases are not representative of health for all children," she said.
Overall, researchers found that 12.35 per cent of modern North Americans and 16.8 per cent of modern South Africans, across all age groups, had CO.
Even the prehistoric North American skulls had a lower rate of CO, at 11.86 per cent, they said.
"We think the increased prevalence of CO in the modern skulls may be due to intestinal parasites in some populations and iron-poor diet," said Ross.
"These findings drive home the fact that disadvantaged socioeconomic groups, and parts of the developing world, are still struggling with access to adequate nutrition," she added.