"A remodeling surgery of her head was conducted by doctors yesterday. She is stable. She is recovering and doing well," said the spokesperson of Fortis Memorial Research Institute (FMRI), Gurgaon, where the surgery was conducted yesterday.
The hospital, however, said she was still under treatment and would certainly need further operation to remodel her skull into normal shape and size.
Roona was admitted to the Institute on April 17 after her plight was brought to the fore by the media. Her treatment was sponsored by the Institute as her parents expressed inability to get her treated due to high treatment cost.
"Her head circumference has been progressively growing since birth and is an unprecedented 94-centimetres, making it one of the most complex of cases", said the statement then released by the Institute.
Hydrocephalus is accumulation of Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) around brain leading to increase in intracranial pressure and resulting in enlargement of head. If left untreated, the condition can lead to the brain damage and blindness.
In Roona's case, the doctors had found that some of the channels meant for drainage of CSF were blocked. Hence, before attempting surgical intervention, the doctors kept on draining fluid out of her skull for days.