The SC yesterday advised Govinda to apologise to a person, Santosh Rai, who had lodged a complaint accusing the actor of 'slapping and intimidating' him over seven years ago.
The 51-year-old former Congress MP from Mumbai said he cannot comment anything on the case as it is a "technical issue" and will take a call on tendering an apology only after he receives a copy of the judgement.
The incident took place on January 16, 2008 when Rai visited the actor's film sets here. Govinda has claimed the fan entered the place illegally.
Asked if he feels some kind of political backing to the complainant, Govinda said, "This is something which is worth thinking about... A man who has no family here, who has nobody here, he got so much support... He reached the place illegally."
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A Bench headed by Justice T S Thakur urged the actor to settle the dispute with the complainant while saying, "you are a big hero, show your big heart."
The "Partner" star said there was no issue of not being "large hearted" and demanded a "proof" that the man was a genuine fan.
"There is no ego problem at all. In these years, what have I done to him? Did I file a defamation case? Or threaten him with any other cases? There is no issue of not being large hearted... Give me a proof that he is genuine fan, he is good man. I didn't go to him to hurt him. I don't even know him."