Researchers from University of Arizona in the US found people have a harder time identifying facial expressions of happiness or sadness when they were sleep deprived versus well-rested.
About 54 participants, who were shown photographs of the same male face expressing varying degrees of fear, happiness, sadness, anger, surprise and disgust were studied.
Participants were asked to indicate which of those six emotions they thought was being expressed the most by each face.
In order to assess participants' ability to interpret more subtle emotional expressions, the images presented were composite photos of commonly confused facial expressions morphed together by a computer program.
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Participants saw a total of 180 blended facial expressions at each testing session.
Their baseline responses to the images were compared to their responses after they were deprived of sleep for one night.
Researchers found that blatant facial expressions - such as an obvious grin or frown (90 per cent happy or 90 per cent sad) - were easily identifiable regardless of how much sleep a participant got.
Sleep deprived participants had a harder time, however, correctly identifying more subtle expressions of happiness and sadness, although their performance on the other emotions was unchanged.
"While the difference in performance was not overwhelming, it's enough that it could have a significant impact in critical social interactions, said William DS Killgore of University of Arizona.
The study was published in the journal Neurobiology of Sleep and Circadian Rhythms.