The Crime Branch of Delhi Police arrested Nasim Khan (20), Mohd Samir (19) and Sanjay, who are smack addicts, for killing 25-year-old Manjeet who worked in NDMC.
The headless body of Manjeet, a resident of Metro Vihar, was found on December 14 in Shahbad Dairy. All accused also lived in Metro Vihar.
According to police, they got information that the three accused would come to a bus stand of JJ Colony of Bawana yesterday. Police laid a trap and arrested the trio.
He said that they told the police that when Manjeet didn't relent, they smashed the victim's head and face with a heavy stone lying at the spot and also decapitated him.
"The mobile phone of the victim was sold by accused Nasim for Rs 400 to a person, but was returned by the purchaser since it was not functioning," he added.