Directorate of Revenue Intelligence (DRI) officials on Sunday seized 8.3 kg of gold biscuits, worth Rs 2.30 crore, allegedly smuggled from Sri Lanka, and detained one person in this connection near here.
The seizure was made when a three-member team of senior DRI officials from Madurai and Tuticorin, acting on a tip-off, intercepted a car and searched it on Madurai-Rameswaram highway at Nagatchi, about 40 km from here, police said.
They took into custody 31-year-old Mujibur Rahman, the lone occupant of the car who hails from Enmanmkondan village near Uchipuli.
The gold biscuits had been allegedly smuggled from Sri Lanka and were being taken to Tiruchirappalli when DRI officials seized it, police said.
The man along with the gold and the car had been taken to Tuticorin for further investigation, they added.