A technical snag on Sunday forced an Air India flight carrying 220 passengers from Delhi to Paris to return to the IGI international airport here over 90 minutes after take off.
The flight resumed three-and-a-half hours later after the aircraft, a Boeing 787 Dreamliner, was replaced by another one.
"AI 143 departed from Indira Gandhi International airport at 1:58 pm but returned at 3.38 pm," said a spokesperson.
The substitute aircraft finally departed at 7.10 pm from New Delhi.
The flight resumed three-and-a-half hours later after the aircraft, a Boeing 787 Dreamliner, was replaced by another one.
"AI 143 departed from Indira Gandhi International airport at 1:58 pm but returned at 3.38 pm," said a spokesperson.
The substitute aircraft finally departed at 7.10 pm from New Delhi.