Sharmila, who was released on Tuesday by the Chief Judicial Magistrate Court in Imphal East, was re-arrested by the police at around 7 PM last evening and produced before the court which remanded her to judicial custody till March 26.
The 'Iron Lady' celebrates her 40th birthday today.
She has been released, freed and re-arrested from time to time for the past 12 years on charges of attempt to commit suicide, the maximum punishment for which can extend only up to one year.
She refused to be checked by police and government doctors yesterday morning, sources said, adding that since her condition was bad, she was re-arrested again last evening and sent to security ward of the hospital which has been converted into a jail for her and where she was fed through nose.
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Sharmila began her fast unto death, demanding repeal of the AFSPA, after ten civilians were killed by Assam Rifles personnel in an alleged encounter at Malom area near Imphal airport in November 2000 and has been continuing her fast since then to press her demand.
Various social organisations alleged that hundreds of innocents civilians have so far been killed by security forces in the name of tracking down insurgents in the state but they could not be tried in the court of law easily because of the provisions of the AFSPA.