The police said 31-year-old Ningombam Satyabhama, who was missing since she left her house at Kakwa, about 7 km south of here, had allegedly been murdered a few days back and her body was located at Basikhong, about 8 Kms south-east of here.
The body of Satyabhama, a research scholar attached to the pathology department of the Regional Institute of Medical Science and Hospital here, bore the marks of strangulation and was allegedly raped before being killed as per initial reports of the post-mortem, the police said.
However, the police is trying to locate one or two persons who had made frantic calls to the victim through her mobile phone on or before April 3, and ascertain if the victim was killed after gangrape.
The JAC has called an indefinite Manipur bandh since yesterday to press its demand.
Reports said the bandh affected transport within the state although markets and shops were open in various interior parts of the valley.